Handsanitiser technology guidelines: a guide and videos to the various sanitiser technologies and what to consider when purchasing a hand sanitiser.
Hand sanitiser messaging guidelines: a guide to creating effective messaging to encourage hand hygiene.
Hand sanitiser placement: a guide on where to locate sanitisers in workplaces.
Training resources
A scenario training resource for facilitating discussions about accessing hygiene facilities on the move
Policy briefs
Mobile workers’ access to hygiene facilities: Health, welfare and dignity. A policy brief.
Research publications and presentations
Rutter, S., Sanger, S., Madden, A. D., Ehdeed, S., & Stones, C. (2024). Office Workers’ Views About the Uses, Concerns, and Acceptance of Hand Hygiene Data Collected From Smart Sanitizers: Exploratory Qualitative Interview Study. JMIR Formative Research, 8(1), e47308.
Rutter, S., Madden, A., & White, L. (2023). Challenges of accessing hygiene facilities when on the move: an exploratory interview study with UK mobile workers. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1-13.
Stones, C., Ai, W., Rutter, S., & Madden, A. (2023). Hand Hygiene Messaging Design in the Workplace: Views From the Workforce—Introduction. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 19375867231195646.
Madden A.D., Rutter S., Stones C., Ai W. (2022). Smart Hand Sanitisers in the Workplace: A Survey of Attitudes towards an Internet of Things Technology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(15):9531.
Stones, C., Ai, W., Rutter, S., & Madden, A. (2022). Developing novel visual messages for a video screen hand sanitizer: a co-design study with students. Design for Health, 1-19.
Madden, A. D., Rutter, S., & White, L. (15-17 June, 2022). The Hygiene Challenges of Workers on the Move. Information Science Trends 2022 – The ASIS&T European Chapter Research Series.
Rutter, S., Madden, A. D., Stones, D., Ai, W. (3-5 November, 2021) The potential for Internet of Things (IoT) hand sanitisers in office settings. 7th International CBC Conference. Enabling Behaviour Change to Build Back Better for health and sustainability.
Rutter, S. (9 June, 2021). Communicating and evaluating health messages during a pandemic. Keynote. Information Science Trends – ASIS&T European Chapter Series.
Rutter, S. (19 May, 2021). Did you wash your hands? Designing communication for hand hygiene. Discover Seminar. Information School.
See 123 Germ Free for our work on bringing children’s toilet spaces to life with the use of persuasive graphics.