Our Research

The guidelines on this website stem from two research projects (1) mobile workers’ hand hygiene (2) the development and evaluation of a smart sanitiser for use in an office environment. The website was funded with an ESRC Impact Accelerator Account.

Mobile workers’ hand hygiene

 Accessing hygiene facilities (e.g. handwashing, toilets, sanitiser provision) on the move can be challenging. While COVID-19 has heightened and visibilised such need, availability of provision is not a new societal issue. For those who work on the move such as those who provide health and social care in the community, providing such services means that access to facilities is particularly important. Jointly funded by the Research England Covid Recovery Fund and Research England QR-Policy Support Funding.

Research team

  • Dr Sophie Rutter (Senior Lecturer in Information Management, Information School, University of Sheffield). Sophie is the Principal Investigator.
  • Dr Lauren White (Researcher, Information School / Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield). Lauren conducted interviews exploring access to hygiene facilities for those who work on the move.
  • Dr Andrew Madden (Researcher, Information School, University of Sheffield). Andrew conducted interviews exploring access to hygiene facilities for those who work on the move.
  • Dr Catherine Robinson (Researcher, Information School, University of Sheffield). Catherine developed content for knowledge exchange and impact.

Project partners

  • Dr Catherine Stones (Associate Professor of Graphic Design, School of Design, University of Leeds)
University of Sheffield Logo
University of Leeds Logo


The development and evaluation of a smart sanitiser for use in an office environment

This project is a collaboration between researchers from the Information School at the University of Sheffield, researchers from the School of Design at the University of Leeds and Savortex developers of smart hand hygiene products.

There is no single hand sanitiser on the market that offers the 4 capabilities of digital screen, touch-free, monitoring capabilities and app. Funded by Innovate UK, this project investigates in non-clinical settings. 

  • where sanitisers should be placed for optimal usage and to enhance sanitisation protocols; (led by University of Leeds)
  • best practice for monitoring and access control strategies to increase hand hygiene and employee wellbeing; (led by University of Sheffield)
  • how motion graphics/message strategies can influence sanitiser use (led by University of Leeds).

Research team

  • Dr Sophie Rutter (Senior Lecturer in Information Management, Information School, University of Sheffield). Sophie is the Sheffield Principal Investigator.
  • Dr Andrew Madden (Researcher, Information School, University of Sheffield). Andrew organised and analysed the quantitative strands of the research exploring attitudes to smart hand sanitisers in the workplace.
  • Dr Sally Sanger (Researcher, Information School, University of Sheffield). Sally conducted interviews on how hand hygiene data can be used and presented.
  • Dr Sukaina Ehdeed (Researcher, Information School, University of Sheffield). Sukaina led a literature review on the how IoT data is used in the workplace
  • Dr Catherine Stones (Associate Professor of Graphic Design, School of Design, University of Leeds). Catherine is the Leeds Principal Investigator.
  • Wenbo Ai (Researcher, School of Design, University of Leeds).

Industry partner

  • Nicholas Gill (Project Manager, Savortex)
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University of Leeds Logo
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